It is a great time to be a women and a leader! The past world was shaped and led primarily by men. In the future, ideally both women and men will shape the world in inclusive and collaborative ways. Now, in this time of transition, challenge, complexity and uncertainty, it is our turn, as women, to step up and out in our leadership to help shape our world and the world. Increasingly, women are being valued as leaders for the strengths they bring and the contributions they make, gaining the opportunity to shape the future and bring fresh perspectives to their personal, professional, interpersonal, organizational and community leadership roles. Women in Leadership for Life celebrates the strengths and contributions of women leaders!
What are three key contributions women leaders make to their organizations and communities?
- Women leaders are good for business: Researchers consistently find a positive correlation between the representation of women in leadership positions and business performance measures, such as market share and return on investment.
“Compelling evidence links inclusion, engagement, and gender diversity in leadership with superior retention, productivity, and profitability.” ……… “ Women’s needs and approaches are shared by Gen X and Millennials, therefore anything that increases the engagement and retention of women also does so for younger workers of both generations.” (Turner, Carol. 2012)
- Diversity has multiple benefits: Diversity of gender, generational, and cultural talent, taps multiple perspectives, improves the quality of decision-making, fosters innovation, and provides inspiration and role modeling in organizations and communities.
- Women leader’s strengths contribute to the leadership that is needed now: The unique strengths typically attributed to women such as empathy, relating and connecting, are sought after in many organizations contributing to empowered, collaborative, and inclusive leadership. It is important to appreciate the value of both masculine and feminine approaches that are within both men and women and can be cultivated, ultimately creating an inclusive culture.
To learn more about the contributions women leaders make and relevant references check out Women in Leadership for Life’s Resource Business Case for Women’s Leadership Development.
Lillas Hatala