Holy Moments in an Imperfect World

Catching or seeking holy moments – magic instants – is especially sweet now.  I find them in stunning prairie sunrises and sunsets, in the quiet stillness of the morning as I gaze at the snow-covered streets, or look at a photo of my great grandson that connects me to the preciousness of life.  These moments invite me to pause, sense, and embrace the moment. 

Under the Stars by Wilf Perrault
Under the Stars by Wilf Perreault

These glimpses of holy moments ease the ache of being human – the global suffering, the divisiveness, the natural disasters, the wars.  For years I have held joy and sorrow, grief and gratitude together in my heart. This practice has been an anchor in dark times, reminding me of the potential of nature and life, while helping steady my body.

I am inspired by how others write about capturing the moment. Paulo Coelho’s words recently found their way to me, although written years ago, they speak directly to me.

The Magic Instant. Every day – together with the sun – God gives us a moment in which it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy…if you pay attention, you can discover the magic instant. It may be hiding at the moment when we put the key in the door in the morning, in the silence right after dinner, in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. This moment exists – a moment when all the strength of the stars passes through us and lets us work miracles.

As I was spending time with these thoughts, a friend sent me poet Jan Frazier’s writing on To Have a Peaceful Life.  She distills holy moment wisdom in this way: a peaceful life comes down to a small thing: having a peaceful moment.

These insights keep connecting me to the profound gift of now – where beauty and possibility await.

As I was lingering with the stars passing through us, and taking in the stars and the splendid moon, I discovered Saskatchewan artist, Wilf Perreault. One of his interests is capturing the beauty in back lanes, including the piece above Under the Stars.

Sources for above:

Appreciating the moment and the wonder in our world is something I enjoy writing about. Here are a few thoughts:

Thanks for being here. I delight in sharing my thoughts, such as these, in a newsletter, typically every few months. And now and then, ideas show up our Facebook page. Always love to hear from you via email. Would love to hear about poems that resonate with you.