A few weeks ago, I started writing morning pages again. Morning pages, three pages written long hand, stream of consciousness, first thing every morning. This writing serves me so well, it is healing, it helps with focus, encourages creativity and so much more.
I am appreciating the tattered coil bound exercise book I found to write in. Purchased in India years ago, the book’s faded red cover and less than paper thin lined pages, tearing on occasion, bring a smile to my face.
I first started writing morning pages, one tool of Julia Cameron’s, The Artists’ Way, some 20 years ago, as I am sure many of you did. When I heard Cameron recently, talking about her book It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering creativity and meaning at midlife and beyond, I was inspired to engage in this process again. The stories and tools in the program for retirees and other creative souls are speaking to me.
The tools I have been engaging in are:
- Morning Pages: the stream of consciousness writing, for your eyes only
- Memoir: guided processes that trigger memories as you revisit your life in several year increments
- Artists Dates: once weekly solo exploration of something fun
- Walking: 20 minutes solo walk, twice weekly, no friend, no dog (wish I had one) no phone.
Maybe it’s time for you to begin, or begin again. I would love to hear your story. Emails welcomed at linda@womeninleadershipforlife.ca
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