At our recent Intention Setting Workshops in Saskatoon and Calgary, Linda and I (Lillas) were amazed by how many WILL community women are in transition – from old work to new work, retirement, starting new businesses, creating new initiatives, writing books, on a personal healing path, and stepping up and out in their personal and professional leadership wherever they are! A common theme of their intentions is their deep desire to be authentically true to themselves, to make a difference and a contribution, and to live a fully expressed life now! We are in awe of the remarkable women in our community and the wisdom they so freely share.
Everything in the natural world is coded with a possibility just like the lotus seed is coded to be a lotus flower.
There is a code /blueprint for each of us. We are coded to bloom and flourish into the highest and best possible version of ourselves, fully expressed in all our beauty and radiance.
Jean Houston calls this “entelechy“ which she defines as “the deep purpose that guides your becoming”.
We created our intentions in the workshop, by connecting to and naming our hearts desires and soul yearnings. These are the seeds of our potential and possibility for our lives. Just like lotus seeds, our desires and yearnings, need the right conditions of nurturing, support, and a fertile environment to grow. With our orientation to growth, and a fierce commitment to keeping our intentions alive, we have been co creating, with our WILL Community, a “WILL Practices for Transformation “ resource. You can access it here.
We are inspired by our WILL community women creating their futures by being the woman and leaders they are destined to be now, and stepping up and out in their personal and professional leadership. I know from my own personal experience that the moment we do this, life rises to meet us, supporting us in all ways. It is an exciting time to be a woman and to be a leader.
Lillas Hatala, February 26 2015
Photo: by Lillas at St Pete’s Beach, Florida