Lillas and I just had a conversation about the difference between being bold and being courageous. She says, and I can attest to this, she has taken on many challenges that required courage. One of many examples I know of, is cited in Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner’s book Leadership in Higher Education, where Lillas tells a story of taking on the challenge of offering leadership programs for academic leaders, when many people around her said it couldn’t be done. That was gutsy. And the list goes on.
So how is being bold different? She found that telling her personal story titled “Living in the Mystery” as part of Bold and Visible Monologues program was indeed bold. As I understand it, making visible such a personal and difficult to live story, when she is a private person, was a bold step.
As leaders we may take on many challenges and courageous acts, but sharing our more personal stories, perhaps our life challenges, our mistakes, or work from our shadows, requires the boldness that arises from being vulnerable. As I have heard Brene Brown, the vulnerability expert and author of Dare to Lead and Daring Greatly say…daring greatly means to be vulnerable. To show up and be seen. I see this as a key piece of being an integrated and authentic leader.
Lillas and I are personal development geeks and lifelong learners. There are many paths to being more integrated and authentic, to stepping up and out, to being visible in new ways. Lillas’s recent experience with Callie Elwayn’s It’s time to Get Visible was a significant next step on her healing journey to wholeness. The program is about ‘catapulting women into greater levels of leadership presence, authentic self-expression and business success‘ with the unique component of somatic or body work that supports women in fully embodying their stories and their leadership.
I feel so much relief and release to just be me and to be witnessed by women in our WILL Community. I hope it inspires others to dive deep and share from their most vulnerable places. – Lillas Hatala
Our writings on related topics:
Making Your Leadership Visible by Lillas
Courage to Be Me by Linda
Now is the Time to Live Fully Expressed by Lillas
Hidden Treasures by Linda
Check these out:
Lillas’s Living in the Mystery Story
Lillas’s interview with Callie about her experience in the program
Callie’s program, including a free workshop on September 5
Books mentioned:
- Leadership in Higher Education:Practices that make a difference by Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner
- Dare to Lead and Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
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