Women’s Leadership Development: The Business Case and Recommended Resources
Are you noticing or involved in new conversations about the lack of women at senior levels and on boards, the compelling new research on women’s leadership development needs, and their unique contributions, as well as some interesting new articles and books on this topic? WILL has prepared Women’s Leadership Development: The Business Case and Recommended Resources to help you with conversations that support women’s development.
The history and psychology of sleeping well
Does a deeply rejuvenating sleep interest you? Listen in to a recording from our teleseminar with clinical psychologist, Dr. Angelina Baydala, where we explored the history and psychology of sleeping well.
Leading for Empowerment: A Presentation
Experience and research tell us that there are core capacities that will help us succeed as leaders, and there are obstacles that are unique to us as women leaders. We delivered a presentation on these topics at the Business & Professional Women’s National Conference in 2014, called Leading for Empowerment: A Presentation.