Women In Leadership For Life (WILL) was launched in 2013, with the intent to support women in living a fully expressed life and to being their personal leadership best. One of the co-creators, Lillas Hatala, died in September of 2022. Her passing written about in It is With a Tender Heart, has put much work on pause, but know the intent of WILL remains.
Are you a woman who has experienced growth, challenge, and success in many parts of your life? Have you sensed that you have untapped potentials in life and leadership, and have so much more to offer? Do you long for a fully expressed life, to make a great contribution to the world, and to experience ease and joy on the journey? Are you curious about what it would take to really live the life of your dreams?
Join us in exploring this new era of leadership in your life!
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
With Women In Leadership For Life, you will experience:
- A clear vision of success for yourself
- Innovative ways of connecting to what is important to you, and authentically integrating your values into how you live and lead
- How to nurture the more feminine qualities of empathy and receptivity to improve your relationship-oriented leadership
- An exploration of your unique inner glass ceilings and possibilities for breakthrough
- Unprecedented support of like-minded and like-hearted women helping one another to be accountable in living a fully expressed life
- Stepping-up and stepping-out with deeper values, contributing your gifts and talents for the highest good for all
- A path of development including identification of the supports and structures you need along the way
Meet Linda and Lillas
We are honoured to invite you to join us as Women In Leadership For Life. We, Linda and Lillas, are mothers, daughters, grandmothers, friends, sisters, and in many areas of our lives, pioneers of women in leadership. We share the conviction that yoga and meditation supports wellbeing.
We met in graduate school, 35 years ago, and have been friends, colleagues, and collaborators since that time. Our work is guided by years of leadership development experience across Canada, as leaders and leadership development program designers, facilitators, and coaches. In recent years, we have been inspired by the power of many practices that contribute to transformation, such as compassionate communication, feminine power, and adaptive leadership.